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Head and Neck Pain Treatment & Information

  • Post-surgery Rehab
  • Neck Pain
  • Whiplash
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Radiating Pain
  • Forward Head Syndrome
  • Arthritis and Stenosis
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • TMD or TMJ
  • Vertigo and Dizziness
  • Herniated or Bulging Disc
Post-surgery Rehab

Cervical fusions and discectomies are among the most common surgeries needed to stabilize the neck and cervical spine. A cervical fusion involves, as the name suggests, fusing vertebrae in the neck to stabilize it. This can be done when those bones are fractures or one of the discs between the vertebrae is removed (also known as a discectomy).

How physical therapy helps

After surgery, Ashish Patel PT and our team of physical therapists work with you to get you back on your feet as soon as possible. Our rehabilitation process helps reduce pain quickly and efficiently. Call us today so you can learn more about post-surgery rehab.

Neck Pain

Neck pain can be caused by many things, as it requires good alignment and proper stability to work correctly. It even has to support the whole weight of our head! Changes to alignment and stability can be caused by injuries or bad posture, which leads to irritation and pain.

How physical therapy helps

At All Hands On Physical Therapy, thoroughly evaluate your neck to determine the source of your pain. Once we’ve identified the problem, Dr Patel and our team of physical therapist will define the best way to relieve your pain.


Car accidents are one of the main causes of whiplash. Whiplash happens when the weight of the head and spine is whipped back and forth quickly. The muscles in the neck can’t react accordingly, which then can provoke injuries, tears or even fractures.

Pain can take a while to appear in cases of Whiplash. One or two days after the injury, inflammation sets in and may lead to complications in other areas of the upper body, like headaches or numbness in the limbs. If whiplash is not treated properly with physical therapy, it can cause long term problems.

How physical therapy helps

Our physical therapy can help you after suffering whiplash. Dr. Patel will work with you to determine what treatment is best for you. As you progress, your pain will decrease and your range of motion will improve. Following through with your treatment plan will help you achieve a full recovery and prevent future problems.

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and migraines are a very common problem for Americans. There are many different types of headaches, and they can be triggered by a wide variety of factors. However, most of headaches are caused by some underlying neck problem. These are known as cervico-genic headaches.

Stress also plays a pivotal role in headaches. Our neck muscles become tense when we are stressed, and because they have to support our head all day long, they can become very irritated. In combination with other triggers, this can cause a headache or migraine.

How physical therapy helps

At All Hands Physical Therapy, we analyze many different factors that may provoke headaches or migraines, including correct posture, muscle strength of the neck, upper back and shoulders, joint movement in the neck, and much more.

Limitations in movement or strength in the neck or upper back will be addressed to restore your normal mobility. As a consequence of this, blood flow will increase in the area, which will help reduce headache-causing spasms. To avoid future problems, we will share prevention exercises and techniques with you.

Radiating Pain

Radiating pain in your shoulders, arms, and hands, could be caused by problems in your neck or cervical spine. Important nerves travel from your neck down both your arms. The holes where the different nerves exit from your spinal cord can narrow if you have poor posture, muscle weakness, or suffer an injury. Tingling, pain, and numbness in certain areas of the shoulders, arms, or hands are all symptoms of radiating pain.

How physical therapy helps

Radiating pain requires medical attention. If you have any of the previously mentioned symptoms, reach out to us so we can evaluate and determine what their causes are. We can reduce the pressure on the affected nerve and allow it to heal by improving neck joint mobility, posture, alignment, and muscle strength.

Forward Head Syndrome

Forward Head Syndrome is a condition that affects many people. Due to changes in posture, the head juts forward and can shorten your neck. This may be mild or severe depending on factors such as the type of work you do, your age, and other health conditions.

With the normal curve in your neck reducing over time, muscles weaken and nerve endings become more sensitive to pain. You may experience a variety of symptoms such as headaches or even impinged nerves radiating into the upper extremities.

How physical therapy helps

At All Hands On Physical Therapy, we work with you to improve your posture and reduce the strain on your neck and spine. With hands-on treatment, we work with you towards better postural alignment. We make sure you get individualized care tailored just right according to what's causing your discomfort. No matter how severe it may seem, we can help you get back to doing your daily activities!

Arthritis and Stenosis

As we age, our neck joints and muscles wear down and can lead to changes in the joints and bones of the neck. This can cause spurs of bone to rub and irritate the surrounding tissue. Spinal Stenosis occurs when these spurs stick out the holes on the side of the neck where the nerves exit out or the central spinal cord canal.

There are 2 types of Spinal Stenosis: Central Stenosis or Foraminal Stenosis. Both can cause chronic pain, numbness, and tingling in the arms. In severe cases of Canal Stenosis, poor balance, pain in the legs, and difficulty with walking can occur.

With osteoarthritis, people can experience chronic pain and a limited range of motion when turning their heads. This can worsen in the mornings or after sitting for long periods of time.

Rheumatoid arthritis weakens a crucial ligament in the upper neck and causes neck pain. It is important for people who suffer from this condition to maintain strength in their shoulder, neck, and postural muscles to avoid potential health risks.

How physical therapy helps

Call All Hands On Physical Therapy to discover how we can help relieve your neck pain quickly! We specialize in treating arthritis and stenosis and look forward to working with you to restore natural movement, eliminate pain and get you back to enjoying your everyday activities.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) occurs when the fluid-filled discs between our neck bones excessively dry out and shrink. This causes a severe loss of height in the neck, leading our bones to rub, spur, and pressure our joints and nerves and provoking chronic aching pain in the neck, radiating pain in the arms, numbness or tingling, and headaches.

How physical therapy helps

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) and Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) and their symptoms can be treated by Physical Therapy. While the effects of the disease can’t be reverted, good posture, joint mobility, and alignment can reduce and eliminate symptoms. Call All Hands On Physical Therapy today to discover how we can help you!


The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is a complex joint that helps you coordinate movements when talking, eating, and moving your jaw. It’s also where your jawbone attaches to the skull. Problems that occur here are known as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD).

When you experience pain in your jaw, it's most likely because of an unhealthy posture. The TMJ relies heavily on proper alignment and position to function well as improper positions can lead to abnormal muscle pulls and altered movement.

How physical therapy helps

At All Hands On Physical Therapy, Dr. Pater can treat TMD in many different ways. He can determine if there are problems in the alignment of the TMJ, neck, or head and help improve your posture, movement, and function to eliminate any pain you are experiencing.

Vertigo and Dizziness

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV occurs when calcium crystals form in the canals that give feedback about balance to your brain, the inner ear labyrinth canals.

Dizziness can sometimes occur when the major arteries in the neck responsible for maintaining balance are affected. However, it can be caused by other factors including medication, or issues with your neck and spine's mobility or strength.

How physical therapy helps

After thoroughly evaluating your balance and vestibular symptoms, we review your visual movements, the positioning of your head, and neck mobility. In special situations, we may need to provoke symptoms to determine what exactly is causing your vertigo or dizziness.

Physical Therapy can help reduce the effects of your symptoms and increase your neck mobility via specific vestibular and balance exercises. These will help settle the calcium deposits in the inner ear and improve your balance systems.

Herniated or Bulging Disc

Discs are jelly-like, fluid-filled sacs that cushion the bones of your neck (vertebrae). Aging makes these discs dry out and become more brittle, which then leads to a change in height between the vertebrae.

The center of the disc (nucleus) is held in place by many rings. Injuries, poor posture, and strain can make these rings rupture, causing them to pressure the disc nucleus outward. As the nucleus reaches the outer edges, it can begin to bulge, rub, and irritate the nerve roots exiting your spine. In more severe cases, the disc can become herniated, which further presses into the spaces where nerves are exiting.

Localized pain, numbness, and tingling to a specific part of the shoulder, arm, and hands, complete lack of sensation, muscle weakness, and paralysis of an area of the upper extremity are all symptoms of Herniated or Bugling Discs.

How physical therapy helps

Bulging and Herniated Discs can be treated effectively with physical therapy. At All Hands On Physical Therapy, we create a complete plan to relieve pressure from the discs and improve joint function, muscle strength, and posture. Call us today to discover how we can help you get back to doing your daily activities, pain-free!